30% off NuEra Tight, 6 treatment series

from $630.00

30% off NuEra Tight

6 treatment series

Face: $900 $630

Neck: $900 $630

Abs: $1290 $903

Butt: $1290 $903

Front of Legs: $1400 $980

Back of Legs: $1400 $980

NuEra Tight by Lumenis is an FDA-cleared, noninvasive treatment that uses radiofrequency energy (RF) to smooth skin and reduce the appearance of cellulite. Treatment is painless and involves few side effects as well as minimal downtime.

The treatment works by delivering controlled heat that causes the contraction of collagen, the protein fiber that provides support to the skin, and stimulates the body’s production of fresh, new collagen. This leaves it looking smoother and firmer.

NuEra Tight can be used to precisely heat both superficial tissue closer to the surface and the skin's deeper levels. This makes it possible to personalize the treatment for each patient and treat any body area, from the delicate eye area to the thicker skin on the upper arms, back, abdomen, flanks, thighs, and buttocks.

NuEra Tight can treat a variety of conditions, including:

  • Cellulite

  • Sagging skin on the arms, abdomen, buttocks, and inner and outer thighs

  • A double chin

  • Skin laxity around the eyes, mouth, cheeks, neck, and jawline

  • Fine lines and wrinkles

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